"What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much
how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility."

-Leo Tolstoy

Military Acronyms (Army) and Glossary of terms

Here is a list of some of the Military Acronyms you may come across. Feel free to add any that I don't have!


AAFES (A-Fees): Army, Air Force Exchange System

AAM: Army Achievement Medal

AAR: After Action Review

ABT: Annual Battle Training

ACAP (A-cap): Army Career and Alumni Program

ACS: Army Community Service

ACU: Army Combat Uniform

AD: Active Duty

AER: Army Emergency Relief

AFAP: Army Family Action Plan

AFN: Armed/American Forces Network

AFTB: Army Family Team Building

AG: Adjutant General

AGR: Active Guard Reserve

AIT: Advanced Individual Training

AKO: Army Knowledge Online

AMMO: Ammunition
ANCOC (A-knock): Advanced Noncommissioned Officers' Course

AO: Area of Operations

APC: Armored Personnel Carrier

APDES: Army Physical Disability Evaluation System

APFT: Army Physical Fitness Test

APO: Army Post Office

AR: Army Reserves

ARCOM (Are-com): Army Commendation Medal

ARNG: Army National Guard
ARTEP: Army Training Evaluation Program
ASAP (A-sap): As soon as possible, also Army Substance Abuse Program

AUSA: Association of the United States Army

AVN: Aviation
AWOL (A-wall): Absent Without Leave


BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing

BAS: Basic Allowance for Subsistence (food allowance)

BC: Bradley Commander or Battalion Commander or Brigade Commander

BCT: Basic Combat Training or Brigade Combat Team

BDE: Brigade

BDU: Battle Dress Uniform

BEQ: Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (for NCOs)
BN: Battalion

BNCOC (B-knock): Basic Noncommissioned Officers' Course
BOQ: Bachelor Officers Quarters

BSM: Bronze Star Medal
BX: Base Exchange (AF) - Army refers to it as PX (Post Exchange)


CAB: Combat Action Badge

CASCOM: Combined Arms Support Command

CBRNE: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive

CCMRF CBRNE: Consequence Management Response Force (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive)

CDC: Child Development Center

CDS: Child Development Services

CFC: Combined Federal Campaign

CG: Commanding General

CHAMPUS: Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services

CHPPM (Chip-um): Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine

CIB: Combat Infantry Badge

CID: Criminal Investigation Division (Army’s FBI)

CINC: Commander In Chief

CLT: Casualty Liaison Team

CMB: Combat Field Medical Badge

CO: Commanding Officer

COA: Course of Actions or Certificate of Appreciation/Achievement
COB: Close of Business

COC: Chain of Command

COE: Center of Excellence

COL: Colonel

COLA (Cola, like the drink): Cost of Living Allowance

CONUS (cone-us): Continental United States

CP: Command Post

CPL: Corporal (E-4 pay with leadership, like a NCO)

CPO: Civilian Personnel Office

CPX: Command Post Exercise

CQ: Charge of Quarters (duty after regular hours)

CSA: Chief of Staff Army

CSM: Command Sergeant Major

CYS: Community Youth Services


DA: Department of the Army

DAC (Dak): Department of the Army Civilian

DC: Dental Corp

DCINC (d-sink): Deputy Commander-in-Chief

DCU: Desert Combat Uniform

DeCA: Defense Commissary Agency

DEERS (deers, like the animal): Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System

DENTAC: US Army Dental Activity

DEP(dep): Delayed Entry Program

DEROS (d-ros): Date of Estimated Return from Overseas
DF: Disposition Form (sometimes referred to as a "buck slip")

DFAC (D-Fac): Dining Facility

DFAS: (d-fas) Defense Finance and Accounting System

DI: Drill Instructor

DISCOM (dis-com): Divisional Support Command

DITY (Ditty): Do It Yourself Move

DIVARTY (div-r-t): Division Artillery; FA units of a division

DLA: Dislocation allowance

DOB: Date of birth

DOD (Dod): Department of Defense

DODDS (Dods): Department of Defense Dependants Schools

DODEA: Department of Defense Education Activity

DOR: Date of Rank

DOS: Date of Separation

DS: Drill Sergeant

DSN: Defense Switched Network

DTP: Delayed Training Program

DZ: Drop Zone


EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity

EER: Enlisted Evaluation Report

EFMB: Expert Field Medical Badge

EFMP: Exceptional Family Member Program

EIB: Expert Infantry Badge

EN: Enlisted

EO: Equal Opportunity

EOD: Explosive Ordinance Disposal

ERB: Enlisted Record Brief

ESC: Enlisted Spouses Club

ESGR: Employer Support of Guard and Reserve

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival

ETS: Estimated Time of Separation

EWC: Enlisted Wives Club


FA: Field Artillery

FAC: Family Assistance Center

FCP: Family Care Plan

FLO: Family Liaison Office

FOB (Fob): Forward Operating Base

FORSCOM (For’s-com): Forces Command

FRG: Family Readiness Group

FRO: Family Readiness Officer

FRSA: Family Readiness Senior Advisor

FSA: Family Separation Allowance

FTX: Field Training Exercise


GCM: Good Conduct Medal

GI: Government Issue

GO: General Officer

GS: General Schedule

GWOT-E: Global War On Terror-Expeditionary medal
GWOT-S: Global War On Terror-Service medal


HH6: HouseHold Six (refers to spouse at home who stands "behind" their soldier)

HHB: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery

HHC: Headquarters and Headquarters Company

HHG: Household Goods

HHT: Headquarters and Headquarters Troop

HOR: Home of Record

HQ: Headquarters

HRAP (h-rap): Health Risk Appraisal Program

HS: Home Station

HTRAP (h-rap): Hometown Recruiting Assistance Program
HUMMER: Highly Mobile, Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, a.k.a. Humvee


IADT: Initial Active Duty Training

IDT: Inactive Duty Training

IE: Initial Entry

IED: Improvised Explosive Device

IET: Initial Entry Training

IG: Inspector General

IMA: Individual Mobilization Augmentee

IO: Information Officer or Inspecting Officer

IRF: Immediate Reaction Force

IRR: Individual Ready Reserve

ITB: Infantry Training Brigade

ITT: Information Tours and Travel


JAG (jag): Judge Advocate General

JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff

JPPSO: Joint Personal Property Shipping Office

JSLIST: Joint Service Lightweight Integration Suit Technology
JTF: Joint Task Force

JUMPS: Joint Uniformed Military Pay System


KIA: Killed in Action

KISS: Keep it simple stupid/sweetie

KP: Kitchen Patrol


LES: Leave and Earnings Statement (his pay stub)

LOD: Line of Duty

LZ: Landing Zone


MACOM: Major Army Command

MC: Medical Corp

MEB: Medical Evaluation Board

MEDCOM: Medical Command

MEDDAC: US Army Medical Department Activity

MEPS (meps): Military Entrance Processing Station

MGIB: Montgomery GI Bill

MHO: Medical Hold Over

MI: Military Intelligence

MIA: Missing In Action

MILES (miles): multiple integrated laser engagement system

MOS: Military Occupational Specialty

MP: Military Police

MRB: Medical Retention Board

MRE: Meals Ready to Eat

MSC: Medical Specialty Corp

MSM: Meritorious Service Medal

MSO: Morale Support Officer

MTF: Military Treatment Facility

MWR: Morale, Welfare and Recreation


NAF: Non-Appropriated Funds

NATO (Nato): North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCO: Non Commissioned Officer

NCOER: NCO Evaluation Report
NCOIC: NCO in Charge

NG: National Guard

NLT: Not Later Than

NPS: Non Prior Service


O: Officer

OBC: Officer's Basic Course

OCONUS (Oh-Cone-us: Outside Continental United States

OCS: Officer Candidate School
OER: Officer Efficiency Report
OHA: Overseas Housing Allowance

ORB: Officer Record Brief

ORE: Operational Readiness Exercise

OSC: Officer Spouses' Club

OSUT (oh-sut): One Station Unit Training
OWC: Officers' Wives Club


PAC (Pack): Personal Administration Center

PAD: Patient Administration Division

PAO: Public Affairs Officer

PCS: Permanent Change of Station

PDA: Physical Disability Agency

PDHRA: Post Deployment Health Re-Assessment

PDQ: Pretty Damn Quick

PDRL: Permanent Disability Retirement List

PEB: Physical Evaluation Board

PEBLO: Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer

PHA: Periodic Health Assessment

PLDC: Primary Leadership Development Course (now WLC)

PMOS: Primary Military Occupational Specialty

POA: Power of Attorney

POC: Point of Contact

POV: Privately Owned Vehicle

POW: Prisoner of War or Personally Owned Weapon

PS: Prior Service

PT: Physical Training

PX: Post Exchange


QM: Quartermaster

QTRS: Quarters


RA: Regular Army

RBI: Reply by endorsement

RC: Reserve Component

RD: Rear Detachment (also referred to as "Rear D")

RDC: Rear Detachment Commander

RDF: Ranger Dining Facility or Rapid Deployment Force

REGT: Regiment

RFO: Request For Orders

RHHT: Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Troop

RIF (riff): Reduction in Force

RIP: Ranger Indoctrination Program

RLTW: Rangers Lead The Way

RON: remain overnight (TDY)
ROTC (sometimes called rot-see): Reserve Officer Training Course

R&R: Rest and Relaxation/Recreation

RSO: Ranger Safety Officer


S-1 - Adjutant

S-2 - Information and Security

S-3 - Planning and Training

S-4 - Supply Officer

SBP: Survivor Benefits Program

SD: Staff Duty

SDO: Staff Duty Officer

SGLI: Serviceman's Group Life Insurance

SHAPE (shape): Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

SOCOM (so-com): Special Operations Command

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
SOUTHCOM (south-com): Southern Command (Miami)
SQT: Skill Qualification Test

SRB: Selective Reenlistment Bonus

SRP: Sustainable Range Program

SSN: Social Security Number


TA-50: Field equipment

TAP: Transition Assistance Program

TC: Truck Commander

TDRL: Temporary Disability Retirement List

TDY: Temporary Duty

TIG: Time In Grade
TLA: Temporary Living Allowance
TLE: Temporary Lodging Entitlement
TRADOC (tray-doc): Training and Doctrine Command

TSM: Transition Services Manager

TSP: Thrift Savings Plan

TTAD: Temporary Tour Active Duty


UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice

USACE: United States Army Corps Engineer

USAFE: U.S. Air Force Europe

USAPDA: United States Army Physical Disability Agency

USAR: United States Army Reserve

USAREC: United States Army Recruiting Command
USAREUR (use-ar-eur): U.S. Army Europe
USARJ: U.S. Army Japan

USGLI: United States Government Life Insurance

USO: United Service Organization

UXO: Unexploded Ordnance


VA: Veterans Affairs/Administration

VASRD: Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities

VEAP: Veterans Education Assistance Program

VGLI: Veterans Group Life Insurance

VHA: Variable Housing Allowance

VTC: Video TeleConference


WESTCOM: Western Command (Hawaii)

WG: Wage Grade

WIA: Wounded In Action

WLC: Warrior Leadership Course

WO: Warrant Officer


XO: Executive Officer


Military Glossary of Terms:

Active Components. The active duty forces of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.
Active Duty. Full-time duty in active military services of the United States.
Active Installation. A base, post, fort, or station which is in continuous use by the active components of the services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps).
AIT - Advanced Individual Training. Special skill training given after successful completion of Basic Training.
Alert. Any form of communications used by a competent authority to notify unit commanders that a deployment may be pending.
Allotment. An amount of the pay of military personnel which is sent to another person or to an institution. The actual amount is determined by the service member.
AWOL - Absent Without Leave. To be away from the military without proper authorization. The service member can be punished for this offense.
BDU - Battle Dress Uniform. The camouflage working uniform. 
BT - Basic Training. The training in basic military subjects given to all new enlisted personnel of the armed forces. 
BX - Base Exchange. Department store on base where service members and families can purchase household items. Also known as MCX, NEX, and PX. When authorized to use the Exchange (or commissary), you can shop at any military installation. For example, an Army family could shop at a Navy Exchange or commissary. 
CG - Commanding General. The general officer in charge of a unit.
Chain of Command. The organization within the unit which lists who works for whom. Everyone in the chain of command is tasked to help those below him/her in the unit and to care for their families.
Chain of Concern. The spouse equivalent of the chain of command. There is no formal authority, but if properly used, issues affecting the family can be brought to the chain of command's attention for appropriate action.
CHAMPUS. Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services.
CO - Commanding Officer. The boss for whom the service member works. The CO is responsible for everything that happens or does not happen within the unit.
Commissary. Grocery store on an active installation where service members and families can purchase food, beverages, etc., at prices usually lower than in civilian stores.
Company. The basic administrative and tactical unit in the Army. On a command level, a company is below a battalion and above a platoon.
CONUS - The Continental United States. (48 states and the 
District of Columbia). This defines certain limitations to space-available travel on military aircraft.
D-Day. The day on which an operation begins or is due to begin. This may be the start of hostilities of any operation.
DEERS - Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System. DEERS maintains a list of all people who are authorized medical care or may use CHAMPUS.
Dependent (alternative term is family member). A legal term used for a person receiving all or a portion of necessary financial support from a service member. Family members who are eligible legal dependents may be authorized an identification card and certain benefits and/or entitlements. Refer to the Benefits and Entitlements section of this book, and ask your personnel or legal assistance officer for advice on this matter. 
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival.
ETS - Expiration of Term of Service. The date that marks the end of a service member's military enlistment or commitment. 
Family Member. See Dependent. Family Support Center. A place on an active military installation that provides programs and services to improve the quality of life of military families on active duty.The Army Community Service Center is a Family Support Center. 
Family Support Group. An officially sanctioned volunteer organization formed by a unit that provides information to and a support network for families and soldiers, especially during periods of separation. 
First Sergeant. The term used for the senior enlisted member of some units. It is also a rank (see insignia chart). 
FTX-Field Training Exercise. An opportunity for a unit to practice away from the home station. 
IG - Inspector General. A person who may be able to help service members and families confidentially resolve problems if the chain of command cannot resolve the problem. An IG also inspects and reports on the readiness of units.
IMA - Individual Mobilization Augmentee. A specially qualified reservist pre-assigned to a critical position in an organization.
IRR - Individual Ready Reserve. Members of the Ready Reserve that are not assigned to be Selected Reserve and are not on active duty. 
JAG - Judge Advocate General. A military lawyer. Leave. Military vacation time. For each month of active service, 2.5 days of leave are credited. Emergency leave is granted if a verified emergency requires the presence of the service member.
LES - Leave and Earnings Statement. A monthly report of pay received for military duty. If the member is on active duty for more than 30 days, a record of leave (vacation time) is also reported. 
MCX - Marine Corps Exchange. See Base Exchange.
MOS - Military Occupational Specialty. A combination of numbers and letters that identify an Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserve member's specific military skill. 
National Guard. The National Guard has a dual status and mission. As a reserve component of the Army and Air Force of the United States, the National Guard is a Mobilization Day force, thoroughly trained, equipped, and ready for immediate service in a national emergency. The State National Guard provides organizations and personnel for the Reserve (Federal) component and preserves peace, order, and public safety in the states during local emergencies. 
NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer. An enlisted person with a minimum rank of Corporal or Sergeant. 
NCOIC - Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge. The NCO responsible for a group of enlisted personnel.
NCOER - Non-commissioned Officer Evaluation Report. The written report of a non-commissioned officer's performance of duty. 
NEX - Naval Exchange. See Base Exchange.
OER - Officer Evaluation Report. The written report of an officer'sperformance of duty. 
OIC - Officer in Charge. The officer responsible for a group of soldiers. 
PX - Post Exchange. See Base Exchange. 
RC - Reserve Components. RC consist of the Army National Guard of theUnited States, the Air National Guard of the United States, the United States Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve. In each Reserve Component, there are three categories: Ready Reserve, Standby Reserve and Retired Reserve. Each reservist will be assigned to one of these categories. 
Ready Reserve. Units and unit members of the Reserve Components as well as individuals liable for involuntary active duty in time of war, a national emergency as declared by Congress, a national emergency declared by the President, or when otherwise authorized by law. 
Retired Reserve. The Retired Reserve consists of those individuals placed on the Reserve Retired list by proper authority in accordance with law or regulations. If qualified, members of the Retired Reserve may be ordered to active duty involuntarily in time of war or national emergency declared by Congress or when otherwise authorized by law. This action is taken when the Secretary of the Army decides that adequate numbers of qualified individuals in the required categories are not readily available in the Ready Reserve or inactive status in the Standby Reserve. Selected Reserve. That portion of the Ready Reserve consisting of units required to participate in Inactive Duty Training and Annual Training in a pay status and as designated by the Secretary of the Army.
Separate Rations Allowance. An allowance given to the service member when he/she lives at home.
SGLI - Servicemen's Group Life Insurance. Up to $200,000 worth of insurance coverage that can be elected by the service member.
Sponsor. The husband, wife, parent, or guardian who is in the military. A service member is assigned to welcome and help a new unit member and his or her family get adjusted and acquainted with other unit members. The two service members are usually of the same rank and marital status.
Standby Reserve. Those units and members of the Reserve Components (other than ones in the Ready Reserve or Retired Reserve) who are liable for active duty only after the Secretary of the Army determines that there are not enough of the required units or qualified individuals available in the Ready Reserve. 
TA-50. Field clothing and equipment.
TDY - Temporary Duty. Duty performed at a location other than the home station. 
Uniformed Services Medical Treatment Facility. A military hospital.
United States Army. The United States Army includes the Regular Army, the National Guard of the United States, and the Army Reserve, all persons appointed, enlisted, or inducted in these components, and all persons serving in the Army under call or conscription under any provision of law, including members of the National Guard of the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, when in the service of the United States as a result of mobilization. 
USAR - United States Army Reserve. Includes the Selected Reserve (units), the Individual Ready Reserve (individuals and IMAs), and the Retired Reserve.

Check out this website:

This one has a comprehensive list of acronyms from the DOD (Department of Defense)